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Love and Play: a Conversation w/ Chaz
"When he speaks, you can sense a depth of earnest care in his voice. When you hear his stories, you know you're in the presence of a sacred soul. And it sort of sneaks up on you that he's served in hospices and with the homeless, that he spends his days mentoring college students as UPenn's University Chaplain. From gentle stories about his daughters to lessons from his "knucklehead punk" youth da... posted on Apr 29 2012, 5,043 reads


The Northern Lights in Action
Few things take our breath away so easily, so seamlessly as images of our world -- Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. Sit back for the next two minutes and let the spectacle of our cosmos fill your senses. The deep emotional relationship we feel to our planet is evident.... posted on Apr 28 2012, 8,449 reads


The 8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses
A few years ago, Geoffrey James interviewed some of the most successful CEOs in the world in an attempt to uncover the secret of their leadership abilities. He learned that the world's most accomplished managers have a fundamentally different understanding of workplace, company, and team dynamics. According to James, the "best of the best" tend to share the following eight core beliefs.... posted on Apr 27 2012, 27,237 reads


Celebrating Pay-it-Forward Day
Today, April 26th, is Pay-it-Forward Day, and to get fired up to celebrate it, here are ten great, real-world stories. Each demonstrates a different way of expressing kindness -- anonymously, just because it is in our own true nature.... posted on Apr 26 2012, 4,459 reads


Lessons From Those Who Lost & Found
Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy and Chef Grant Achatz are an unlikely trio. What do this brain scientist, late eye surgeon, and a leader of the molecular gastronomy movement [yes there is such a thing] have in common? At a takeoff point in their careers they were each dealt a sucker punch -- one that robbed them of what was arguably their greatest gift. Yet none of them threw in the... posted on Apr 25 2012, 32,388 reads


What the Internet Does to Your Brain
"Inherent in any media technology -- from the telephone to TV to Twitter -- is an emphasis of some ways of thinking and a de-emphasis on other ways of thinking. If you look at the Internet, what it emphasizes is the ability to supply lots of information, in many forms, very quickly. As a result, it encourages us to browse through information in a similar way -- by grabbing lots of bits of data sim... posted on Apr 24 2012, 16,096 reads


Neuroplasticity: Changing our Belief about Change
"A dangerous belief in our culture is that we can't change. We've all heard the disempowered statements: 'He's just grumpy. He can't change that.' or 'I will always be anxious. It's the way I was born.' While we most certainly have genetic predispositions, the brains of individuals' young and old can change in amazing ways. Neuroplasticity is a fancy way of saying that our brains can change. We ar... posted on Apr 23 2012, 142,440 reads


How To Find Your Purpose
"'Find something more important than you are,' philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness,'and dedicate your life to it.' But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn't by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance... posted on Apr 22 2012, 55,938 reads


What's the Greatest Gift Your Mother Gave You?
"The way her face absolutely beams when she sees me and her voice lightens with happiness when I call her on the phone. Every time. Even after 38 years," says Kristen Harnisch. "My mother always had a sense of wonderment. The color of a leaf, a sprinkling of snow, the smell of hot soup--she found the greatest pleasure in everyday things," Nancy Bradford reflects. "When I was two days old, I was ab... posted on Apr 21 2012, 6,288 reads


Boss Lady's Kindness Escapades
"The owner began mumbling in Korean under her breath. I couldn't get her to look up to me, so I asked the woman at my feet what was going on. She took an extra beat, maybe deciding whether she was going to really tell me, or not. And she said to me, 'That's Boss Lady, and it's Christmas Eve, and everyone going home early until you come in - Manicure Pedicure 45 minutes - so now everyone has to wai... posted on Apr 20 2012, 6,076 reads


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What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
John Lubbock

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